Apsley Cherry-Garrard 是一位不太可能的探险家。身体虚弱、极其害羞、近视到失明的地步——当他被选中加入罗伯特·法尔肯·斯科特 1909 年不幸的南极探险队时,所有参与者都感到惊讶。
但 Cherry 很快证明了自己的价值。他是一个乐于助人的工人,开朗而善良,坚毅而勇敢。这些品质在“冬季之旅”期间表现得最为明显,这是一次在漫长的极夜深处穿越南极冰川以从帝企鹅群中取回卵的痛苦之旅。 Cherry 与另外两人一起,在 -75°C 的温度和几乎完全黑暗的环境中,用人力拖拉了 350 公斤的食物,并用雪橇跨越了数百英里的岩石、峭壁和冰面。
这是 Cherry 最辉煌的时刻,展现了超人的耐力和惊人的勇气。然而,也正是这段旅程让他心碎;这使他不适合更光鲜亮丽地奔赴极地,并让他在余下的日子里身体虚弱和忧郁。
更糟糕的是。第二年的南极夏天,斯科特的极地探险队又饿又累,伤病、冻伤和坏血病折磨着他们。 Cherry 带领一支救援队寻找他们。但由于恶劣的天气和耗尽的口粮,他被迫返回——距离斯科特(他不知道)和他的同伴无助地、垂死地躺着的帐篷只有几英里。这个决定将伴随 Cherry 的余生,并且在他的探险回忆录“世界上最糟糕的旅程”的每一页上都有所体现。
斯科特的劲敌挪威探险家罗尔德·阿蒙森成功了。他这样做相对轻松。斯科特的 12 人登顶派对费力地拖着 1000 公斤的食物,并用粘性木制雪橇向 10,000 英尺的冰川补给,他们经常接力,因此他们不得不在每块地面上覆盖 3 次,而阿蒙森的派对则使用滑雪板和狗拉雪橇,并没有甚至一次都不必人工拖运。
斯科特一行人饱受缺乏症、受伤(威尔逊的腿和埃德加埃文斯的手,导致他们有时无法工作甚至走路)、雪盲症、冻伤、坏疽等疾病的折磨。 Lashly 的日记详细描述了他的返程,生动地描述了坏血病对他的同伴 Teddy Evans 的渐进影响:
阿蒙森拥有斯科特三分之一的资金和五分之一的人员。面对同样的条件,资源却少得多,他在每一项措施上都超过了斯科特。 Amundsen 的极地派对在 99 天内完成了 3440 公里——是的,他付出了努力,但没有真正的风险。斯科特的队伍在 148 天内行驶了 3200 公里,途中受伤、辛苦并死亡。
而那些只是已知的未知数!你花的时间越长,你就越容易受到未知的未知因素的影响。事故成为死刑判决。但看似微不足道的事件也是如此:例如,漏油的塞子或放错地方的手套。或者只是无知——最明显的是,不了解新鲜食物在预防坏血病方面的作用1 。
Digression: Trickle Down Speedonomics Every single thing about Amundsen's journey was optimized for speed: equipment, transport, personnel, and perhaps most importantly of all, strategy. Equipment : over the winter before the polar dash, Amundsen's team laboriously reviewed every single piece of gear they would carry: shaving down the skis to save a few ounces of weight; unpacking their bulk rations and repacking it into daily allowances; sewing two tents together to halve their setup time; designing storage canisters that could be opened without unlashing them from the sledges - anything and everything to save time. Transport : Amundsen famously used dogs while Scott used dogs, ponies, motorized sledges and old-fashioned human effort. All of these technologies had been used, with some success, on previous polar expeditions — but dogs were the fastest by far. Personnel : Amundsen put together a small team of specialists. Small teams consume less, hence can travel lighter, hence move faster than large ones. And specialists work faster than generalists. In fact Amundsen did even better: he insisted that his team have multiple specialties, like Olav Bjaaland, a national ski champion who was *also* a highly skilled carpenter; Helmer Hanssen, a superb navigator and experienced dog handler; and Sverre Hassel, a qualified ship's mate, navigator, sail-maker and leather-worker. Having assembled this team, Amundsen gave them wide discretion to act independently: again, in the service of speed. Strategy : Amundsen had a single strategic goal: to get to the Pole and back as quickly as possible. He was happy to take tactical risks if they served this overall strategic goal. For instance, both his base and his route were on uncharted (and hence dangerous) territory, chosen because they shortened his journey by 100s of miles; he correctly judged that this was the lesser risk. Similarly, Amundsen didn't mind skiing in fog or snow or even moderate blizzard; it was less risky than staying put. At the same time, he firmly resisted the temptation to ski for more than 6 hours on any given day; he didn't want to take the risk of tiredness slowing down his team. Above all, he was flexible: unafraid to change his plans, but fully committed to whatever plan was currently in place. Slow And Steady is Starved And Scurvied The contrast with Scott's last expedition is jarring. Scott believed there was safety in numbers: that a large, slow-moving convoy faced fewer risks than a small and agile team. He believed that the success of such a convoy depended on perfect adherence to complex plans, often written down weeks or months in advance. He believed that strict Naval discipline and a rigid hierarchy were the best way to ensure there were no deviations from these plans. He believed that having his team tackle multiple goals mitigated failure in any one of them. He believed in redundancy over flexibility: that most problems could be solved by throwing resources at them. And he believed that bloody-minded persistence could make up for any amount of shoddy execution. All in all, Scott believed too much. And when conditions on the ground belied his assumptions, he refused to change. This might have worked in the Royal Navy (a large but nonetheless mostly high-functioning organization where discipline and structure and detailed planning ruled the day), but in the Antarctic, it was a disaster. Scott's polar party paid the price.
像 Scott 和 Amundsen 这样的科技初创公司在未知且严酷的条件下运营。
无情:早期创始人需要在资金用完之前雇佣、建造、销售和发展。这是一场与时间的赛跑,大多数初创公司都“默认死亡”——它们的跑道将在实现盈利之前结束。这就像在极地高原上冒险:你必须到达安全的地方,否则就会灭亡;时间不是你的朋友。 (如果您在 6 个月内没有完成,拼图会爆炸)。
他们经常叫我 Speedo ……
强烈的意见,软弱的持有:因为对冲你的赌注会减慢你的速度2 。
让主要的事情成为主要的事情:因为专注创造对齐,对齐促进速度3 。
找到你的北极星:因为衡量重要的事情是避免挂在无关紧要的事情上的最好方法4 。
Digression: The Airspeed Velocity Of An Unladen ... Godwit? One of the most interesting scientific papers I've read in recent years is about the bar-tailed godwit. Researchers discovered that this seemingly unremarkable bird shatters previous known records for migration. Every September, godwits fly non-stop directly across the vast central Pacific Ocean : a journey of between 8000 and 12000km. They don't stop to rest or feed or sleep; they just fly. They maintain an energy output that is 8 to 10 times their basal metabolic rate, for 8 to 10 days, contending with extremes of dehydration and sleep deprivation along the way. Long migrations are not unknown in the animal kingdom, but the godwit is something else.
Why? The paper lays out some fascinating (and convincing) hypotheses. And they all come down to one thing: speed as a risk mitigation strategy . Speed minimizes total energy cost: > Mortality during migration may be much higher than during other parts of the annual cycle, so selection should favour behaviours that minimize risks of mortality during the migration period, including time spent accumulating the fuel resources needed for migration. A single transoceanic flight probably minimizes overall time and total energy cost of migration ... Speed minimizes risk of predation: > The flight corridor across the Pacific is essentially devoid of avian predators capable of taking godwits. The peregrine falcon, though recorded from most archipelagos in Oceania and a known predator of godwits elsewhere, would be of little concern to godwits during their non-stop, largely open ocean flight since peregrines could neither consume a godwit while in flight nor land on the ocean to consume its prey. Speed minimizes risk of disease: > The trans-Pacific route also provides a corridor probably free of pathogens and parasites. Long-distance migratory birds that use numerous stopovers are exposed to a diverse pathogen fauna. Birds engaged in endurance flights presumably become energetically stressed; under such conditions, immune function could become suppressed. If godwits flew along a continental route, the greater distance would mandate at least one stopover to refuel, probably requiring several weeks' duration. Any immunosuppression associated with their long-distance flights could render them more susceptible to infection at stopover sites. By flying non-stop, godwits minimize their risks to novel pathogens and parasites, and the costs of activating and maintaining their immune system may be reallocated into flight costs. Less total energy, fewer predators, less exposure and better resistance to pathogens and parasites: it appears that flying fast and direct -- across the entire Pacific Ocean! -- is less risky than going slow and steady. Sound familiar?
最好的登山者以其超自然的快速攀登而闻名。高频交易是过去二十年最赚钱的投资方式,其基础不是比其他投资者“更聪明”,而是“更快”。从汉尼拔到亚历山大,再到成吉思汗,再到古德里安,再到博伊德,军事理论都强调速度胜过几乎所有其他属性。万智牌经常禁止某些卡牌参加锦标赛,因为它们太快了;他们通过回合 1 击杀来打破游戏。
每当遇到复杂、动态、不可预测和不可知的环境时——高海拔登山、现代金融市场、战场、零和战略游戏——速度就是成功的关键5 。
我相信你,我真的相信。 (不,我不知道。)
Luke: I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you fail.
多伦多,2023 年 1 月 21 日。
是的,我非常清楚用 12 个月的时间发表一篇关于速度优点的文章的讽刺意味。
在斯科特探险之前的几年里,坏血病的治疗方法被发现、丢失、再次发现、再次丢失。 Maciej Cegłowski 有一篇关于科学知识不稳定性的精彩文章;今天感觉很重要。
老实说,我把它放进去的唯一原因是插入我最喜欢的随机文章之一: MTG 色轮如何解释人性。这是真的! (如果有点过度确定)。肯定比 Myers-Briggs 或本命盘更好。