
Quanta 杂志的 Michael Driver
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Steven Strogatz (00:03):我是 Steve Strogatz ,这是来自Quanta 杂志的播客,带您了解当今科学和数学中一些最大的未解决问题。在这一集中,我们将讨论空间和时间的奥秘,以及引力。他们有什么神秘之处?
好吧,事实证明,当我们在超亚原子尺度上观察它们的最深层次时,它们变得非常奇怪,引力的量子性质开始发挥作用并变得至关重要。当然,在这个令人难以置信的小尺度上,我们没有人对空间、时间和重力有任何直接的经验。在这里,在日常生活的尺度上,空间和时间似乎完全平滑和连续。艾萨克牛顿的经典理论很好地描述了引力,这个理论已经存在了 300 多年。
(00:53) 但是,大约 100 年前,事情开始变得奇怪。阿尔伯特爱因斯坦告诉我们,空间和时间可以像一块织物一样弯曲和弯曲。这种时空连续体的扭曲就是我们所体验的引力。但爱因斯坦的理论主要关注自然界的最大尺度,恒星、星系和整个宇宙的尺度。关于最小尺度的空间和时间,它并没有太多可说的。
(01:54) 当物理学家试图理解这一切时,他们中的一些人得出的结论是,空间和时间可能并不像我们一直想象的那样基本。它们开始看起来更像是更深层次、不熟悉的量子力学的副产品。但那会是什么?现在和我一起讨论这一切的是肖恩卡罗尔,他是一位主持自己的播客Mindscape的理论物理学家。肖恩在加州理工学院 [加利福尼亚理工学院] 担任了多年的物理学研究教授,但现在他正在约翰霍普金斯大学担任自然哲学的霍姆伍德教授。他还是圣达菲研究所的外部教授。但无论身在何处,肖恩都会研究有关量子力学、引力、时间和宇宙学的深层问题。他是几本书的作者,包括他最近出版的《深藏不露的东西:量子世界和时空的出现》 。肖恩,非常感谢你今天加入我们。
Strogatz (02:56):与涌现时空大师交谈对我来说非常令人兴奋。真是令人难以置信的东西,我非常喜欢你的书。我希望你能帮助我们理解这些真正棘手和引人入胜的问题,我想说,在当今物理学的前沿。
Carroll (03:21):是的,你知道,我们认为相对论,即 20 世纪初相对论的诞生,是物理学的一场巨大革命。但与几年后发生的量子革命相比,这算不了什么。爱因斯坦帮助开创了狭义相对论,该理论认为你的移动速度不能超过光速,一切都是相对于其他一切的速度和位置等进行测量的。但是,狭义相对论中仍然没有引力。那是 1905 年。然后 10 年后,经过大量的头骨汗水和繁重的工作,爱因斯坦提出了广义相对论,在那里,他一直试图将引力应用于狭义相对论,他意识到他需要一种全新的方法,就是让时空弯曲,有几何,有动力。对能量和质量作出反应的是时空结构本身,这就是我们认为的引力。
(04:14) 尽管这一切都是革命性的,在某种程度上取代了艾萨克·牛顿的基本思想,但狭义相对论和广义相对论仍然从根本上说是经典理论。你知道,我们有时对“经典”这个词含糊其辞,但通常物理学家的意思是,艾萨克·牛顿建立的基本框架,你可以在其中拥有东西,无论是粒子还是场,或者其他什么。这些东西的特点是它是什么,它在哪里,以及它是如何移动的。所以对于一个粒子来说,这就是它的位置和速度,对吧?然后,据此,你可以预测一切,你可以观察一切,它是精确的,它是确定性的,这给了我们所谓的发条宇宙,对吧?你可以预测一切。如果你知道关于整个世界的完美信息,你就是我们所说的“拉普拉斯的恶魔”,你就能准确地预测未来和过去。
(05:08) 但即使是广义相对论,它说时空是弯曲的,它仍然属于这个框架。它仍然是一个经典理论。我们都知道,假设量子力学出现,大约是 1927 年。它从 1900 年开始兴起,然后在某种程度上——它在 1927 年的一次著名会议上取得了胜利,第五届索尔维会议上,爱因斯坦和玻尔就这一切的意义进行了争论。
(05:32) 但从那时起,我们已经接受了量子力学是自然界如何运作的更基本的版本。我知道——你这么说是有充分理由的,但这并不是说量子力学发生在小尺度上。量子力学是关于世界如何运转的理论。在小尺度上发生的事情是经典力学失败了。所以你需要量子力学。经典力学原来是一个极限,一个近似,一个小小的婴儿版的量子力学,但它不是基本的。
既然我们发现了这一点,我们就必须把我们对自然的所有了解都融入到这个量子力学框架中。除了重力和弯曲的时空之外,我们已经能够对我们所知道的关于自然的一切事物做到这一点。从量子的角度来看,我们还没有一个完整的、100% 可靠的方式来思考引力。
Strogatz (06:24):我很欣赏这个更正。你是对的,我说量子力学只适用于最小的尺度有点松散。我的意思是,从数学的角度来看,我们可以看到量子力学如何变成经典力学。它与它是一致的,它——事实上,它暗示着经典力学,一旦尺度变得更加熟悉。
Strogatz (07:28):但是你说引力一直是这种异常值,它非常困难——或者至少它还没有以一种完全令人满意的方式被纳入任何一种量子力学框架。有没有办法总结困难的本质是什么?为什么想出一个融合量子理论和引力的理论这么难?
Carroll (07:47): 是的,出现了两组问题。你可能称之为技术问题和概念问题。我们人类从经典开始。当你是一名物理系的本科生,并且你正在学习量子力学时,这意味着什么?这意味着你学习了一些东西的经典模型,比如谐振子,或者氢原子,或者其他什么。然后你得到了量化经典理论的规则,好吗?所以,从某种意义上说——你们在场的数学家会欣赏——一张从经典理论空间到量子理论的地图,好吗?量化过程。
(09:04) 这在试图量化经典理论的历史上曾经发生过。理查德·费曼和朱利安·施温格以及Sin-Itiro Tomonaga因展示如何摆脱量子电动力学中的无穷大而获得诺贝尔奖。但是你在重力中得到的无穷是不同的特征,它们不是可以摆脱的,它们不是“可重新归一化的”,正如我们所说的。所以,在一个非常基础的数学水平上,你知道,你一直依赖的程序只是停滞不前,你不知道该怎么做。
Strogatz (10:33):确实听起来很棘手,竞技场本身,就像在传统思想中一样,物理学,正如你所说,有东西、场、粒子和事情发生,从一个地方到另一个地方,从一个地方到另一个地方。在这个时空的舞台上的瞬间。但现在是竞技场本身。爱因斯坦已经把我们带向了那个方向,他把竞技场变成了一个动态的东西,空间和时间可以扭曲,就像你说的那样,动态。但现在看来,情况似乎变得更糟了。
Carroll (11:02):嗯,它是,因为请记住,我提到了一个想法,经典地,对于一个粒子,你有一个非常清晰的概念,它在哪里,它的位置,以及它的移动速度。你可以测量这些东西。量子力学的全部诡异之处在于,要定义量子力学的含义,您必须使用“观察”和“测量”之类的词。这在经典力学中从来都不是真的,你只需测量你想要的任何东西,它非常简单明了。量子力学与此有点不同。
(11:03) 所以,这里潜伏的东西之一,在整个讨论中,你知道,有很多很多理论物理学家会说,是的,量子引力,非常非常重要,我们应该尝试理解这一点。但是我们不了解量子力学。尽管它已经存在了将近 100 年。我们不同意量子力学所说的,因为这些奇怪的词,比如测量和观察。所以,我试图解释为什么量子引力很难,但我要揭露我的偏见,因为如果不解释我认为量子力学是什么,我就无法做到这一点。或者至少,指的是我认为的量子力学。
Strogatz (11:32):所以我认为这很好地延续了我要问你的下一个问题。我们希望,在这一集的结尾,让人们了解时空出现意味着什么。但是对于你,或者任何研究空间和时间的人来说,它们的出现意味着什么?
Carroll (12:05):所以我不认为有任何诸如粒子的位置或速度之类的东西。我认为这些是你观察到的东西,当你测量它时,它们是可能的观察结果,但它们不是——好吧,它们不是真正存在的东西。如果你把它扩展到引力,你说的是我们所说的时空几何,或者像空间中的位置这样的东西,它们不存在。它们是您在适当情况下在经典水平上获得的一些近似值。这是一个非常深刻的概念转变,人们很快就会迷失方向。
(12:58) 这是一个棘手的词。我们必须考虑一下。出现有点像道德。有时,当我们看到它时,我们会同意它。但其他时候,我们甚至不同意这个词应该是什么意思。因此,物理学家、数学家和其他自然科学家倾向于——但并非总是——依赖哲学家所谓的弱涌现。从某种意义上说,弱出现基本上是一种方便。这个想法是你有一个全面的理论,你有一个在某个深层次上起作用的理论。比方说,标准的例子是盒子里的气体,好吗?你有一个装满某种气态物质的盒子,它是由原子和分子组成的,对吧?这就是微观理论。你这么说,好吧,我可以——原则上,我可以成为拉普拉斯的恶魔,我可以预测我想要的任何东西,我确切地知道发生了什么。
(13:47) 但是,我们人类,当我们用我们的眼球、温度计或其他任何东西看盒子里的气体时,我们看不到每个单独的原子或分子,以及它的位置和速度,我们看看我们所说的系统的粗粒度特征。所以我们看到它的温度,它的密度,它的速度,它的压力,诸如此类的东西。还有好消息——这根本不是显而易见或必要的,它何时发生和何时不发生都有些神秘——但好消息是我们可以发明一种预测理论,预测气体将要做什么在那些粗粒度的宏观可观测量上。我们有流体力学,对吧?我们可以在不知道每个原子在做什么的情况下对事物进行建模。这就是涌现,当你有一组只是近似和粗粒度的属性时,你可以在宏观层面上观察到,但你可以用它们来预测。而微弱的出现只是意味着,在此过程中没有发生任何新的事情。你没有这么说,哦,当你去到更大的尺度并缩小时,根本上新的本质或动态正在进入。这只是微观物质的集体行为。那是弱的出现。
(15:01) 令人毛骨悚然的新东西确实出现的情况也很强烈。当人们想到意识或类似的东西时,他们会谈论这种必要性。我不相信基础层面的强势崛起。所以,对我来说,时空的出现意味着时空本身就像流体力学。就像气体的温度和压力之类的东西。这只是一种粗粒度的、高级的思考更基本的东西的方式,我们正试图把它放在手指上。
Strogatz (15:34):哇,当你描述一个盒子里的气体时,我碰巧坐在一个盒子里。我在一个盒子形状的工作室里。这里有一种气体,就是我呼吸的空气。
Carroll (16:14):当我不花时间研究量子力学和引力时,我正在研究涌现。我认为这里有很多工作要做,需要清理和更好地理解,涉及从哲学到物理学再到政治和经济学的一系列问题,更不用说生物学和生命的起源了。所以,我认为这些是我们在解决问题时有点混乱和草率的深层次问题,但我认为时空的出现并不难。
(16:45) 那么,当你谈到,美国是从它的公民中出现的吗?或者苹果电脑公司是从什么东西中冒出来的?这些都是难题。那些很棘手,比如“你在哪里画边界?”等等。但对于时空,我认为它实际上非常简单。课程,播客的重要带回家点是,你不要从时空开始并量化它,好吗?就像你在盒子里有气体一样,你试图得到一个越来越好的关于盒子里气体的理论,但你意识到它是由根本不同的东西组成的。我认为这就是我所提议的,其他人也在提议时空,整个过去适用于电磁学和粒子以及希格斯玻色子和标准模型的东西,你从一些东西开始量化它,这不会是重力和时空发生的方式。你将在深层微观层面拥有根本不同的东西,然后你将进入我们所知的时空。
Strogatz (17:46):我们现在不应该开始谈论纠缠吗?
Carroll (17:49):开始谈论纠缠永远不会太早。
Strogatz (17:51):我们来谈谈。它是什么?我经常听到。我听到量子人谈论它。如今,尤其是通过量子计算,我们不断听到有关纠缠的消息。你为什么不先告诉我们它的含义,这个想法是从哪里来的?
Carroll (18:04):是的,我的意思是,让我们想想希格斯玻色子。几年前我们发现了它,它是一个真正的粒子,我写了一本关于它的书, 《宇宙尽头的粒子》 。希格斯玻色子——难以检测的原因之一是它会衰变。它的寿命非常非常短,对吧?因此,您可以想象,如果有人将希格斯玻色子放在您面前,它通常会在大约一 zeptosecond 内衰变为其他粒子。那是 10 -21秒。非常非常快。
(18:31) 它可以做的一件事是,它可以衰变成一个电子和一个正电子,一个反电子。所以它可以衰变成两个粒子,电子和正电子。现在记住量子力学。因此,您可以大致预测希格斯玻色子衰变需要多长时间,但是当它吐出电子和正电子时,您无法预测它们将移动的方向。
(18:54) 我的意思是,这完全有道理,因为希格斯玻色子本身只是一个点。它在空间中没有方向性。因此,在云室或其他任何地方,有可能看到电子朝你想要的任何方向移动。同样,对于正电子,也有一定的可能性,看到它朝你想要的任何方向移动。但是你想要保持动量。所以你不希望希格斯玻色子坐在那里,静止不动,衰变成一个电子和一个正电子,它们都在同一个方向上快速移动。那将是势头的转变,对吧?
(19:26) 所以,即使你不知道电子会朝哪个方向移动,也不知道正电子会朝哪个方向移动——抱歉,我已经知道了,我已经知道了是,我是我取笑的人,我说的好像这些都是真实的。即使你不知道你将测量电子向哪个方向移动,也不知道你将测量正电子向哪个方向移动,但你知道如果你同时测量它们,它们就会回来回来。因为它们需要具有相等且相反的动量,才能抵消。
(19:54) 所以这意味着,如果你马上相信所有这些事情,这就是为什么我们相信电子和正电子的组合系统只有一个波函数。这不是一个独立的问题,你要在哪个方向测量电子?你要在哪个方向测量正电子?这是您需要同时提出的声明。这就是纠缠,就在那里。纠缠是这样一个事实,即你无法分别独立地预测电子和正电子的观测结果。
(20:26) 这是完全通用的,在量子力学中无处不在。这不是一件罕见的、特别的事情。许多事物与许多其他事物纠缠在一起。这是事物不相互纠缠的独特而有趣且非常有用的时间。花了很长时间——就像爱因斯坦和他的朋友——爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森、EPR——在 1935 年发表了一篇真正指出纠缠重要性的论文。因为它已经隐含在方程式中,但没有人真正用手电筒照过它,而爱因斯坦就是这样做的。之所以困扰他是因为当希格斯玻色子衰变并且正电子和电子向相反方向移动时,您可以等待很长时间,假设您等待几年才能测量电子的移动方向.
(21:14) 所以,两个粒子彼此相距非常非常远。现在,当您测量其中一个的位置时,据说另一个的位置会立即确定。光速或类似的东西没有限制。因此,出于显而易见的原因,爱因斯坦非常喜欢光速作为事物的极限,他不喜欢那样。他从来没有真正想过这就是最终的答案,他一直在寻找更好的东西。
Strogatz (21:39):现在的论点是没关系,这不违反狭义相对论,因为你不能用它来传输任何信息或其他东西?是这样的说法吗?
Carroll (21:39): 是的,嗯,你知道,有,一个人可以做出一大堆陈述。但我们绝对认为是真实的,是你刚刚制作的那个。如果你想象这两个粒子背靠背移动,一个人检测到一个,还有一个,你知道,一光年外,谁会检测到另一个,关键是他们不知道你的测量结果是什么,你必须告诉他们。
(22:43) 所以似乎这就是张力,宇宙的运作方式涉及传播速度超过光速的相关性,但在某种明确定义的意义上,信息的传播速度并不超过光速.这应该让你担心,我们没有定义这些词中的任何一个。所以你知道,这是什么意思?你不会用这些东西建造运输梁或类似的东西。
(23:09) 但是——但让我再补充一个想法,我认为,这也是我对这些事情的古怪思考方式的结果,这并不完全是标准的,也就是说,人们真的很喜欢地方性。就像,地方性是一个核心问题。局部性只是这样一种想法,即如果我在时空中的某一点戳宇宙,戳的效果会在那个点发生,然后它们会涟漪散开。但它们会以不超过光速的速度扩散到其他点,好吗?我无法在这里戳宇宙,这将在非常非常遥远的地方以有形的方式改变宇宙的状态。你可以看到这个纠缠的东西是如何在它的边界上的,就像宇宙的描述会立即改变很远,但没有信息在传播。
(23:51) 那么,如果你相信局部性是这样的基础,那么你就在问这个问题,为什么宇宙几乎违反了这一点,但似乎并不完全?这就是我们的难题。这就是——在量子力学的基础上已经泼了很多墨水。
(24:06) 我完全相反,因为我认为波函数是基本的东西,对吧?我认为这就是现实中存在的。而波函数,就像这个正电子和电子的波函数一样,是完全非局域的。它只是存在于一切——它是一个,它从一开始就是整个宇宙的一个特征。所以,我也有一个谜要解释,但我的谜是相反的。这不是“为什么局部性近似或者,你知道的,似乎被纠缠侵犯了?”这是“为什么会有地方性?”就像,这对我来说是个谜。
Strogatz (24:41):好的,那么说到纠缠及其不满或奇迹,这一切与我们之前所说的关于空间的涌现有什么关系?因为有某种联系,对吧?
(25:30) 但我们能做的是,我们能够使用我们在现实世界中理解的物理学线索。所以,在现实世界中,我们有一个非常好的近似,这个世界是由我们所谓的量子场论运行的。好的,所以,世界的东西,粒子和你知道的,力量等等,都来自遍布整个空间和时间的领域,并具有量子力学的性质。
(25:55) 所以,有一个电子场,一个光子场,一个胶子场,一个希格斯玻色子场,等等。一个引力场。所有这些都是量子力学场。现在,再一次,这不是我要提议的,这只是我们当前的最佳近似值,对吧?这似乎符合数据。您可以就实践中的情况提出问题。
因此,场论的重要之处在于,即使在空旷的空间中,仍然存在场。空间不是完全空的,它不仅仅是一个空容器。正如我们所说,有些场处于其基态。他们处于最低能量状态。所以他们是 – 经典地,你只是说该字段的值为零。就像你可以说的,有一种叫做磁场的东西,但在空间的这个特定点,它是零。它仍然存在——有一个字段,但它的值为零。量子力学比这更复杂,但你仍然可以说它处于最低能量状态。这是你可以说的。
(26:49) 然后你能做的是取两个不同的时空点,在它们之间有一段距离,因为那里仍然有东西,因为即使在空旷的空间里也有场,你可以说,有吗?这两点空间的纠缠?因为那里的田野。是——是空间中这两个点的场的量子态,是纠缠的吗?答案是肯定的, 它总是会被纠缠的。
(27:38) 我们说的是,看,我们从一个抽象的量子波函数开始。就此而言,我们没有任何诸如距离或场之类的词,对吗?但我们确实有“纠缠”这个词。我们可以弄清楚,如果你把波函数分成这个位和这个位,那两个位是纠缠在一起的吗?有数学方法可以使用互信息等来测量它们。因此,您可以量化波函数的不同部分之间的纠缠量。然后,与其说“距离越远,纠缠越少”,你倒不如说。你说,“看,我知道纠缠是什么。” Let me assume, let me put out there as an ansatz [a mathematical assumption], that when the entanglement is strong, the distance is short. And I’m going to define something called the distance. And it’s a small number when the entanglement is large, it’s a big number when the entanglement is small.
(28:26) So what you’re doing is, in this big space in which the wavefunction lives, you’re dividing it up into little bits, you’re relating them — Steve, you will be happy about this. You’re drawing a network, a graph. You have different parts of Hilbert space. Those are nodes in the graph, and then they have edges, and the edges are the amount of entanglement. And there’s a function of those amount of entanglement which says, invert it, roughly speaking, and get a distance. So now you have a graph of nodes with distances between them. And you can ask, do those nodes fit together to approximate a smooth manifold? And if you pick the right kind of laws of physics, they will.
(29:06) And then you can ask, if I perturb it a little bit, so I poke it, so it’s not in its lowest-energy state, it has a little bit of energy in it. Well, that’s going to be dynamical. That’s going to stretch space-time, that’s going to change the amount of entanglement. We can interpret that as a change in the geometry of space. Is there an equation that that obeys?
And the answer is, you know, under many assumptions that are not entirely solid yet, but seem completely plausible, the geometry of that emergent space obeys Einstein’s equation of general relativity. Not completely as surprising and dramatic as it sounds, because there’s not a lot of equations it could have obeyed. But the point is that if we follow our nose, if we say we start not with space, but with entanglement, how should it behave? How should it interact? We get to a place where it’s not at all surprising that it has dynamics, that it changes, that it responds to what you and I would notice as energy, and the kind of response is the kind that Einstein had there in general relativity.
(30:03) So, you can imagine an alternative theory of physics — history of physics. Where Einstein did not invent general relativity. Where we invented quantum mechanics first, and we understood it. And we really thought about it very deeply, and at some point, someone said, you know, if you really take this seriously, the emergent geometry of space should be dynamical and curved, I’m going to call it general relativity. That’s not what happened. But that’s what we’re hoping to work out when we’re all done.
Strogatz (30:28): There’s this big story about this awful acronym, AdS/CFT correspondence , that some people may have heard of. Some of our listeners may know that there’s some — some work that has a similar spirit to what you’re describing, where you derive gravity — not you, Juan Maldacena , I guess, and Lenny Susskind and other people — are trying to derive gravity from quantum field theories that don’t have gravity in them. Can you tell us about some of that and explain it to us?
Carroll (30:35): Right. It is very much close in spirit. And the idea is that you have this principle, called the holographic principle . It doesn’t really deserve the name of a principle because it’s a little bit vague. But the idea is that for a black hole, all of the information, all the quantum mechanical information inside a black hole, can in certain circumstances be thought of as spread out on the boundary of the black hole.
So if you think of the interior of the black hole as a three-dimensional region of space, and the boundary, the event horizon, as a two-dimensional boundary, somehow, you could think of all the information of the black hole as being located on the boundary. So that’s holography, because there’s only a two-dimensional boundary that is filling in the three-dimensional inside, much like shining a light on a two-dimensional hologram gives you a three-dimensional image.
(31:45) What Maldacena did was applied that not to black holes, but to a certain kind of cosmological space-time called anti-de Sitter space. So, in general relativity, in Einstein’s theory of gravity, if there’s nothing going on, if there’s no energy, no stuff, or anything like that, you can solve the equation, Einstein’s equation, and you find flat space-time, which we call Minkowski space-time, this is just the arena where special relativity lives.
(32:12) The next simplest thing you can do is add energy to it, but add only vacuum energy, energy of empty space itself. So there’s no particles or photons or anything like that. There’s just empty space, it has energy. We think that space does have energy now, we discovered this with the accelerating universe, in 1998. And the equations were solved back in 1917 by Willem de Sitter, a Dutch astrophysicist. So, if you have a positive amount of energy in empty space, you get a cosmological solution called de Sitter space. And that is basically where our real universe is evolving to, as we expand and the galaxies move further and further away.
(32:52) If you just flip the sign to make the vacuum energy have a negative amount, you’re allowed to do that. And it’s called anti-de Sitter space. It’s just a flip of the sign in the math. And the great news is that this anti-de Sitter space — again, it’s a pure — all that should drive home to you that this is not the real world. Not only is it empty, but the vacuum energy is negative rather than positive. It’s a completely thought-experiment kind of thing. But what Maldacena showed is that gravity, quantum gravity, string theory he was thinking of in particular, inside anti-de Sitter space can be related to a theory of quantum field theory without gravity, that you can think of as living on the boundary infinitely far away.
(33:36) So if there’s a boundary to anti-de Sitter space infinitely far away, it’s one dimension less. Because it’s kind of like, you know, the event horizon of a black hole, it’s wrapped around the anti-de Sitter space. It is itself flat space-time. There’s no gravity there, you can define quantum field theory on it, you have no conceptual issues with quantizing it. It’s good old, well-defined quantum field theory. And Maldacena argued that it is the same theory as quantum gravity in the interior, in what we call the bulk of anti-de Sitter space. There’s a relationship between these two theories that is a one-to-one correspondence. And it’s hard to prove that. But there’s an enormous amount of evidence that it’s true.
(34:14) And then, subsequent to that, people like Mark Van Raamsdonk and Brian Swingle and others pointed out that if you take the theory on the boundary, the theory that we understand, the quantum field theory without gravity, and all you do is you twiddle the amount of entanglement between different parts of the quantum field theory on the boundary, the geometry of the anti-de Sitter space inside responds. It changes in response to that. In some sense, the geometry of that emergent anti-de Sitter space, holographically emergent, is very sensitive to the amount of entanglement on the boundary. So this is the sense in which, in this case, geometry is emerging from entanglement.
(34:57) So, to compare that to what I’m doing, I am not in anti-de Sitter space. I’m here on Earth, both literally and conceptually. I am in the limit where space-time is almost flat, right, where gravity is weak. Like the solar system, even though the sun is very big, gravity is still weak, it’s nowhere near being a black hole. So there’s no holography, everything is pretty local, as we were talking about before, everything is, you know, bumping up against other things right next to each other, right here in space.
(35:24) The holographic limit, that’s kind of the opposite. Holography kicks in where gravity is strong, where you either have a black hole or a cosmological horizon or something like that. And that’s when the information seems like it’s in one dimension less. What you need in the full theory, which nobody has, is both at once.
(35:47) There’s a huge number of people working on AdS/CFT. CFT because the particular kind of field theory you have on the boundary is what is called a conformal field theory. So CFT, conformal field theory. So, there’s a huge number of people working on that. And it’s fun, and it’s well-defined, there’s a lot of math, there’s a lot of physics, full employment, whereas what I’m doing is much less well-defined, because we don’t have this well-defined boundary where everything doesn’t involve gravity, and therefore you can solve all your equations.
(36:16) But, you know, I think that you’re going to need both at the end of the day. I think that the AdS/CFT approach doesn’t really illuminate what goes on in the solar system very well. It illuminates what goes on cosmologically pretty well. So I think that they’re compatible ways of sort of coming at the problem from different approaches.
Strogatz (36:32): You know, I’m glad you mentioned Van Raamsdonk and Swingle, because that’s another very seminal paper in this whole, I want to say “space” of emergent space-time. Thinking, you know, looking ahead, these ideas of emergent space-time, do you think they’ll have impact on our current models in physics?
Carroll (36:50): Well, I think there’s still, certainly, a lot to do just in terms of understanding the proposal, right? I mean, really going from these incomplete ideas about entanglement and emergent geometry to a full theory like, “Oh, this is why things have three dimensions of space. This is the kind of laws of physics that let this happen in the first place,” you know, and so on. And so there’s just, like, a lot of very basic groundwork remaining to be done. The ideal thing, the wonderful thing that would be amazing, is to make an experimental prediction from all this.
(37:25) And it’s not completely wacky to imagine that is possible. For the following reason: You know, it goes back to what we said about space and time not being quite on an equal footing. We’re using them in different ways. So the technical term for this is we’re violating Lorentz invariance. It’s this symmetry that was handed down by Lorentz, a famous Dutch physicist, a mentor of Einstein’s, that says it doesn’t matter how you look at space and time, everyone’s perspective is equal.
That’s not quite right, in our point of view. It might not be right. So, it’s possible that there is an experimental prediction for a tiny violation of Lorentz invariance. And this might show up in, you know, how photons propagate across the universe or something like that, or some very delicate, precise laboratory experiment we can do here on Earth. We don’t know. I don’t have that prediction yet for you. But I think that is something that is plausible within this framework.
Strogatz (38:21): That’s a wild idea. Because a lot of people think of the Lorentz invariance, basically, this principle of relativity, taken very seriously, as a deep inviolable principle in physics, and you’re saying it may be itself an emergent-like approximation. It’s almost like a spurious symmetry that comes out from looking at the emergent theory rather than the fundamental theory.
Carroll (38:43): Yeah, that’s exactly right. And again, maybe, as we have both been saying. It’s a low-probability, high-impact question to ask. So I think — it’s worth spending some of your time on questions like that.
Strogatz (38:55): I feel like you’ve been a very brave and generous person in sharing these speculations with us. I mean, you’ve been so honest about the tentative nature of science, which for all of us who actually do science and math, know that that’s how it really is. But I think it’s, it’s very healthy for our listeners to appreciate this, that we’re all sticking our necks out all the time and we kind of like it, and it’s what makes it such an adventure.
Carroll (39:20): Well, I do think that and, you know, I think that there’s a school of thought that says that scientists should not talk about their results until they’re completely established and refereed and everyone agrees they’re right. And not only do I think that that’s implausible, because even results that are refereed and published could be wrong, I think it’s very antithetical to the spirit of how science is, you know, and I want to emphasize that science is not just a set of results that are handed down from on high, it’s a process. We could be wrong. We’re making suppositions and hypotheses and guesses, and we’re going to figure out whether or not they work. And that’s not a bug, it’s a feature. That’s, that’s how science works. So I’m very willing to talk about tentative things as long as I try to emphasize that they are tentative things.
Strogatz (40:09): Yep. Thank you and bravo. And that we are trying to be rational. We’re looking for evidence, we’re willing to admit when we’re wrong, when we are wrong.
Carroll (40:17): Yeah, actually, I think that it would increase trust in science if we were more honest about the fact that we can be wrong all the time. Because we are going to be wrong some of the time, and if we pretend that we’re never wrong, then it’s going to hurt our credibility when we’re wrong.
Strogatz (40:32): Okay, amen, Sean. Thank you so much for joining us in a really delightful conversation today.
Carroll (40:37): It’s my pleasure. Thanks very much for having me on.
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Strogatz (41:05): The Joy of Why is a podcast from Quanta Magazine , an editorially independent publication supported by the Simons Foundation. Funding decisions by the Simons Foundation have no influence on the selection of topics, guests, or other editorial decisions in this podcast or in Quanta Magazine . The Joy of Why is produced by Susan Valot and Polly Stryker. Our editors are John Rennie and Thomas Lin, with support by Matt Carlstrom, Annie Melchor, and Leila Sloman. Our theme music was composed by Richie Johnson. Our logo is by Jackie King, and artwork for the episodes is by Michael Driver and Samuel Velasco. I’m your host, Steve Strogatz. If you have any questions or comments for us, please email us at [email protected]. Thanks for listening.
原文: https://www.quantamagazine.org/where-do-space-time-and-gravity-come-from-20220504/