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好吧,你可能会说,这肯定是真的。但在地球上,即使我们可能是从物理学开始的,但我们现在已经以某种方式“提升”了化学、生物学和技术,以达到从根本上更复杂的东西。但是在这里我们遇到了一个重要的——如果起初令人惊讶的话——基础科学:我 的计算等价原理。
假设我们正在研究流体中的旋转模式。流体正在做它所做的事情,实际上是在不断地运行产生其行为的计算。但是我们如何才能将其与我们大脑中发生的事情“对齐”呢?这就是科学的用武之地。因为科学试图做的是从世界上系统的实际行为中提取某种“与人类相关的叙述”。或者在某种意义上,它试图提供一个“渠道”,通过它我们可以与世界上存在的“外星智慧”进行“交流” 。
最初的启动宣传是关于航天器通过在宇宙中发现外星智慧来获取技术。但实际上整个宇宙飞船的事情都是一种干扰。因为实际上——正如我们已经讨论过的——我们周围有很多东西可以描述为“外星智慧”,甚至就在地球上。从某种意义上说,问题在于如何“ 与它交流”,并为我们的技术目的找到“利用它”的方法。
从 Ruliad 中提取技术
这一切都始于ruliad :代表所有可能计算的纠缠限制的对象。 ruliad 是一个独特的、 形式上必要的对象,它在某种意义上体现了所有可以想象的存在。不可避免地,我们嵌入了规则中,从规则的某些方面进行采样,以形成我们对现实的感知。
原则上,有各种各样的观察者,对现实有各种各样的看法。但是作为我们物理项目基础的关键点是“ 像我们这样的观察者”具有某些一般特征——特别是我们假设我们在时间上是持久的,而且我们在计算上是有界的——而且仅从这些特征来看,我们可以从规则的结构中抽象地推导出我们必须“体验”已知物理的核心标准定律。
我们非常习惯于随着时间的推移技术进步的想法 – 随着我们发明更多,并制定出使用我们的“原材料”来实现人类目的的新方法。但是物理学作为一门科学也在进步。从某种意义上说,我们正在扩展我们作为观察者的角色,以便能够感知和体验更多“正在发生的事情”——最终在规则中。
这里重要的一点是,我们的技术和物理都不是固定的。从某种意义上说,它们在共同进化——逐渐让越来越多的 ruliad 被拉入我们的叙述和我们的目的。或者,换一种说法,我们观察到的东西正在逐渐扩大,以包含越来越多的规则,并且能够使用越来越多的规则。
“不同的智慧”在规则中是如何体现的?我们可以想象将规则组织成某种形式的规则空间。并且从 ruliad 空间中的每一点,一个人实际上获得了对 ruliad 的“不同视角”。这至少是“不同智能”如何存在和体验规则的故事的开始。
这在乡村空间如何运作?我们可以将规则空间中的不同点视为对应于不同的计算,具有不同的规则。因此, 实际运动对应于在一个计算和另一个计算之间进行转换。一开始,这甚至在原则上是可能的也不是很明显。但是 计算等价原则暗示它最终会是。乡村空间中不同点的计算(几乎总是)在复杂性上是相同的——这也是通用计算的典型特征——因此原则上可以有一个在它们之间转换的“解释过程”。
ruliad 是一个复杂且(如果及时跨切片采样)不断变化的事物。但一个关键特征是,其中可能存在具有一定持久性的结构。在物理空间中,这些像粒子(以及黑洞)之类的东西,其行为就像“ 稳定的空间块”——或者像规则的某些投影中的稳定块。在田园空间中,大概也可以存在具有一定持久性的结构: 田园空间的“粒子” 。这些“粒子”以某种方式对应于“跨越不同计算视角”的特征——或者实际上代表了“稳健的概念”。
当我们谈论“不同的智能”时,一个非常熟悉的例子是不同的人类思维。从某种意义上说,我们可以将不同的人类思想视为被布置在规则空间中——每个思想处于不同的规则位置,因此具有不同的计算规则来运行,以及不同的“规则体验” .
这是一个经常被问到的问题——为什么我们的宇宙飞船和射电望远镜以及其他一切——我们从未遇到过我们认为是“自然发生”的外星智慧。过去,我们可能认为答案是在我们可以探测的宇宙的任何部分都找不到像“智能”(在我们人类之外)这样的东西。但是 计算等价原理说这根本不是真的,事实上“抽象智能”在除了最明显的简单行为之外的所有系统中无处不在。
更通俗一点,我们可以说,如果我们希望能够将某些东西用于技术,我们最好能够检测到它的存在,并且我们最好能够很好地理解它,以便我们可以看到它是如何实现的。符合我们人类的目的。我们可以将 ruliad 视为充满了外星智能——具有大量“挖掘”能力。但是为了能够为我们的技术目的实际挖掘某些东西,我们必须能够跨越乡村空间到达它;我们必须能够将它与我们联系起来。
所以,是的,一定要通过更多不同类型的传感器和测量来探索世界上更多的东西。然后尝试“理解”你所看到的足以说明如何将其与人类目的保持一致,并从中产生技术的东西。但在这张照片中并没有迫切需要星际飞船。只是做更多的科学来扩大我们在 ruliad 的领域,并挖掘更多的 ruial 空间。
我们可以将技术视为设置存在于世界(或最终存在于 ruliad)中的事物以实现人类目的。我们还谈到了科学技术的进步如何使我们能够逐步深入农村,为我们的技术获取“原材料”。但我们已经说过,技术旨在“实现人类目的”。那么这些目的最终可能是什么?
当然,在整个 ruliad 的浩瀚中,我们现有的人类目的只占据了极小的一部分。例如,想想我们目前所知道的自然世界。其中的绝大多数东西似乎与我们的目的不符——而且我们无法挖掘它们来获取技术。然而,从历史上看,我们的目标领域一直在逐步扩展。曾经有一段时间我们知道磁性岩石,但对磁性没有任何意义。但随着时间的推移,从指南针到执行器再到记忆,越来越多的人类目的与磁现象相关联。
从某种意义上说,我们可以将人类进步的整个核心轨迹视为关于扩展代表我们目的的 rulial 空间和 ruliad 区域。那么这将如何演变?
正如我之前广泛讨论的那样,我们作为 ruliad 中的实体似乎有两个核心特征。首先,我们在计算上是有界的。其次,我们相信我们在时间上是坚持不懈的。计算有界本质上是我们占据的乡村空间区域是有限的陈述。从某种意义上说,我们的思想可以连贯地跨越乡村空间的某个区域,但它是一个有界的区域。
从某种意义上说,这是对我们的技术和其他进化的最终极限的一种昂贵的看法。随着我们的进步,我们逐渐“挖掘”了越来越多的规则,将其拉入技术领域和我们的“人类”(或后人类)目的。但在这样做的过程中,我们最终超越了我们认为存在的特征。换句话说,如果我们在 ruliad 中的扩张走得太远,我们就会不复存在,至少在我们目前定义存在的意义上是这样。
从根本上讲,ruliad 是一个纯粹的计算对象,我们可以将其视为由纯粹的、抽象的存在原子(或“emes”)组成。当像我们这样的观察者对规则进行采样时,我们可以将与我们对物理现实的感知相对应的特征归因于它。 And a notable feature of that sampling is that it supports the idea of pure motion in physical space. In other words, it allows for the possibility that structures can “maintain their perceived physical integrity” while being “re-formed” out of different atoms of space, which themselves are interpretations of the pure atoms of existence in the ruliad.
But as soon as we start thinking about any kind of serious motion in rulial (rather than physical) space it no longer makes sense to talk about anything like “maintaining physical integrity”, not least because in different places in rulial space the very notion of physics changes. But wherever we are in the ruliad we can still think about what’s going on as computation. We might have some way of observing or sampling the ruliad that gives us some perception of reality—like physics , or mathematics . But if we “atomize” things down to the lowest level, we’ll always find raw computation.
As “physical observers like us” we only have limited capabilities to probe or manipulate the raw ruliad and affect what we perceive as physical reality. We can move physical objects around, maintaining what we observe of their structure. In principle we could imagine deconstructing objects into individual atoms of existence, then recreating them “transporter style” somewhere else in physical space. But as of now, we don’t know how to do this, and most likely it’s not possible for observers like us—because it would require “outcomputing” computationally irreducible features of the structure of space down at the level of individual atoms of space, which is far from what computationally bounded observers like us can expect to do.
But what about raw computation, of the kind that ultimately makes up the ruliad? There the story is different. Because we’re no longer constrained by our character as physical observers, so we’re free to in effect “make up any computation we want”. To explore the physical universe we need physical motion or something like it. And at least for observers like us the only way to achieve this seems to be to progressively move structures across physical space. But to find out what can happen in the computational universe we can effectively just write down any rule (ie any program) that appears “anywhere in the ruliad”, and run it.
Of course, when we run a rule on a practical computer, it’s just an emulation of what’s happening in the raw ruliad. But it’s just an abstract rule—so although it will run astronomically slower, its ultimate behavior in our emulation will inevitably be identical to what it is when implemented in terms of individual atoms of existence in the “raw ruliad”.
In principle we could take the same approach in emulating the elements that make up our physical reality. But observers like us are so big relative to the raw elements of the ruliad that we can’t expect our emulations to be at a scale where we can faithfully reproduce what we perceive. (Needless to say, in practice we can still get good approximations, and this is a particularly fertile application of our Physics Project .)
But when we’re dealing with “raw computation” down at the lowest level of the raw ruliad, we can expect to faithfully emulate it. And so it is that we can just pick a cellular automaton or a Turing machine or some other kind of computational system —that in effect comes from anywhere in the ruliad—and emulate it to find out what it does. There’s no “object we have to move” to be able to “look at that part of the ruliad”. We’re emulating things down at the level of individual atoms of existence, and seeing what happens.
We can think about our computational experiments as letting us “jump” to find out what it’s like anywhere in the ruliad. And as we “suddenly materialize” somewhere in the ruliad it’s as if we’re immediately “face to face” with whatever “alien intelligence” there is at that place in the ruliad.
But what can “observers like us” expect to make of that alien intelligence? Well, to be able “communicate” or even “relate” we somehow have to be able to “bridge the gap in rulial space”. And since we just “jumped to a place in rulial space” we don’t immediately have any “progressive path” that “incrementally” takes us from our familiar position in rulial space to wherever the alien intelligence is.
But what does that feel like in practice? The whole idea of ruliology is just to go anywhere we want in the computational universe or in the ruliad, and see what happens when we run the rules we find there. And it’s indeed routine to find that what they do seems quite “alien”. Still, they often have certain essential features that for example remind us of the natural world as we observe it. But our standard methods of science (and mathematics)—developed on the basis of being “observers like we are today”—don’t readily allow us to “understand” the behavior of these systems chosen in the course of doing ruliology. To us they usually just seem to be “showing computational irreducibility ”, and behaving in ways that we can effectively get no handle on.
But still, we can in a sense view these programs “out there in the computational universe” (and in effect strewn around the ruliad) as showing us what’s possible. They’re like alien intelligences that we know exist, but that we don’t yet understand, and don’t yet know how to harness or relate to. We can see them as some kind of beacons of possible technology of the future—of things that “exist in the ruliad”, but that we haven’t yet been able to connect to human purposes.
But so how might we make this connection? Well, as it happens, I’ve devoted much of my life to what can be viewed as the construction of a systematic bridge between what’s “computationally possible” and what we humans think of as important. For that’s the story of what I call computational language —and indeed of the whole intellectual structure that is the Wolfram Language .
There’s infinite potential content in the ruliad. But one can view the goal of the Wolfram Language as being to represent—in a way that’s optimized for us humans to understand—those parts that we humans consider important. The language lets us use the concepts of computation not only to crystallize our existing thinking, but also to expand what we can think about, in effect letting us reach out further in rulial space. Computational language is the general way that we “tame the ruliad”—extend the frontier of “human colonization” in the ruliad, and in the end “mine” more and more of the ruliad for “useful technology”.
Just in terms of its practical place in the world today I’ve often said that the Wolfram Language is like an “ artifact from the future ”. But now we see a deep sense in which this is true. The raw ruliad is just “out there”, with “infinite potential”, but as something whose fundamental character has nothing to do with us humans. But what computational language is about is delivering what one can think of as the ultimate “meta-artifact”: something that progressively turns the raw ruliad into “human-recognizable technology”.
Much of this progress involves the specific, systematic design of the Wolfram Language. But there are also forays that in effect jump further out into rulial space. For example, we’ve often enumerated large collections of simple programs, identifying ones that satisfy a certain criterion. And sometimes that feels a lot like “leveraging alien intelligence” without “understanding” it. The rule 30 cellular automaton , for example, is a good pseudorandom generator, even though we don’t really “understand” even fairly basic things about it.
And, yes, computational language is what we need to concretely “state a criterion”, in effect expressing what we’re thinking about in computational terms—that we can use, for example, to let us explicitly search the ruliad for an “alien intelligence” that does what we want.
What does it look like out in the “raw ruliad”? It’s easy to start just looking at simple programs, say picked at random. And, yes, they have all sorts of elaborate behavior:
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But what is this behavior “achieving”? Yes, it’s following the particular underlying rules that have been given. But we don’t have any immediate way to connect it to “human purposes”. And in general we can expect that to make that connection what’s needed is for those purposes themselves to “expand”.
Maybe at some moment we call what’s produced “art” , and assign it some “aesthetic purpose”. Maybe at some point we see that it satisfies some engineering purpose that we’ve just realized we should care about. But in general, computational language is the way we can make the connection between “raw computational processes” out there in the ruliad, and our patterns of thinking about things. It’s the ultimate way for us to “communicate with alien intelligence”.
The Launch of a Rulial Space Program
We began with the far-out startup pitch of sending spacecraft to discover alien intelligence and bring its technology back to Earth. But what we’ve realized is that actually no spacecraft—of the ordinary kind—are needed. There’s “alien intelligence” to be found everywhere; you don’t have to travel to interstellar space to find it. But the challenge is to connect the “alien intelligence” to human purposes, and extract from it what we consider “useful technology”. Or, put another way, the issue is not about traversing physical space, but rather about traversing rulial space.
With our spacecraft we humans have so far reached about a 20-trillionth of the way across the physical universe . But no doubt we’ve reached a far smaller fraction of the way across the ruliad. As our science, knowledge and technology increase, we gradually reach further into rulial space. But whether it’s our failure to communicate with cetaceans or our inability to make computers out of, say, fluids, it’s clear that by many measures the distance we’ve gone so far is not so large.
In a sense the startup idea of “harnessing alien intelligence” is the meta-idea of all technology—that in our terms we can state as being to connect what’s “computationally possible” in the ruliad with purposes we humans want to achieve. And I’ve argued that the ultimate meta-technology for doing this is not spacecraft but computational language. Because computational language is what we need to make a bridge between what we care about, and “raw computation” out in the ruliad.
It’s difficult to send physical spacecraft out into interstellar space. But it’s actually a lot easier to probe the much richer possibilities of the ruliad—because in a sense it’s straightforward to put a “rulial spacecraft” anywhere. We just have to pick a rule (or program), then see what the “world” it generates is. But the challenge is then in a sense one of interpretation. What is happening in that world? Can we relate it to things we care about?
At the outset, all we’re likely to see at some “random place” in the ruliad is rampant computational irreducibility. But it’s a fundamental fact that wherever there’s computational irreducibility, there must also be slices of computational reducibility to be found. In the ordinary physical universe that we experience, those are basically our perceived laws of physics. But even in a random sample of the ruliad we can expect there’ll be computational reducibility to be found. It’ll typically be “alien stuff”, though. It might have the character of science, but it won’t be like our existing science. And most likely it won’t align with anything we currently think we care about.
But that is the great challenge and promise of mounting a “rulial space program”. To be confronted not with what we might recognize as “new life and new civilizations”, but with things for which we have no description and no current way of thinking. Perhaps we might view it merely as humbling to encounter such things, and to realize how small a part of the ruliad we yet understand. But we can also view it as a beacon of where we could go. And we can view a whole “rulial space program” as a way of systematizing the ultimate project of exploring all formally possible processes. Or we could think about it not just as defining a single “startup opportunity”—but rather as defining the “meta-opportunity” of all possible technology startups….
原文: https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2022/06/alien-intelligence-and-the-concept-of-technology/